What Ingredients to Avoid in Skincare? We Explained 12 Harmful Skincare Ingredients

One thing to remember when browsing the aisles for beauty products: Just because something is placed on a shelf in a reputable store doesn’t mean it is safe. (Remember the lengthy history of lead used in the cosmetics sector.) The use of almost any ingredient is permitted for businesses. Before product sales, the U.S. government does not evaluate the products’ safety. This includes substances connected to everything from cancer and infertility to allergies and hives.

The lengthy ingredient list found on the labels of the majority of beauty products can be challenging to read and understand. Fortunately, some websites and applications can make the process simpler. You can look up cosmetic ingredients and products in the EWG’s Skin Deep database to see if they adhere to their stringent standards. You can scan a product to see if it contains any endocrine disruptors, carcinogens, allergens, or irritants using apps like Yuka. Unfortunately, it does not apply to all products, so consult this dermatologist-backed cheat sheet of dangerous ingredients before using your credit card.

1) Methylisothiazolinone

A preservative called methylisothiazolinone is most often found in water-based products like shampoos and cleansers. It’s still a potent allergen and may produce burning, itching, or even hives, even when taken in modest amounts. Particularly in leave-on cosmetics, this component should be completely avoided by those with sensitive skin.

2) Acrylates

Acrylates are primarily used as adhesives in fake eyelashes and artificial nail products. They may lead to contact allergies in a significant proportion of persons. Different acrylates are linked to various issues, including the potential for cancer. It is preferable to either avoid using artificial nail products completely or use them less often since almost all of them include some acrylate.

3) Sodium Lauryl Sulfate

A widely used cleaning chemical is sodium lauryl sulfate. It may be found in various personal care products, including shampoos, cleansers, and body washes. It commonly irritates the skin and has the potential to trigger an allergic reaction. Your skin may get dry and have lower ceramide levels if SLS is not effectively removed. She advises consumers to seek out goods with fatty alcohol as an alternative. Cleaners or soaps with a castile basis provide a decent substitute.

4) Parabens

Despite being one of the most well-known compounds to avoid, preservatives made from petroleum are highly common. They are recognized endocrine disruptors, which means they mimic estrogen in the body and may cause hormonal abnormalities and infertility, in addition to having connections to breast cancer.

Although there are several names for parabens, the most popular ones are methylparaben, propylparaben, butylparaben, and ethylparaben. Particularly in moisturizers and cosmetics, parabens are widely used.

5) Coconut Oil

Although coconut oil is frequently recommended as an efficient spot treatment for acne, it exacerbates the breakout by clogging nearby pores. We advise against using pure coconut oil, and he also advises against using moisturizers and face masks that contain coconut oil. It’s better to avoid it entirely because it can still irritate even in those minute concentrations.

6) Formaldehyde

Although formaldehyde is widely used in nail polish, hair straightening products, and other cosmetics, it should be avoided, especially in skincare. It’s occasionally used as a chemical preservative to stop bacterial growth, but if people are exposed to large doses of it, it’s thought to increase their risk of getting cancer.

7) Triclosan

Triclosan is a substance to which many of us have had extensive exposure because it is present in antibacterial soaps. Since triclosan is known to disrupt the endocrine system and breed bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics, it should be avoided.

8) Phthalates

Phthalates are a common ingredient in skincare treatments and are also used in cosmetics, mainly in perfumes. They have recognized endocrine disruptors that also lead to hormonal and reproductive issues and birth deformities.

9) Toluene

A substance called toluene is frequently present in nail polish and hair dyes. It’s a highly flammable petrochemical solvent that can impair fertility and be toxic to the immune system.

10) Mineral Oil

This typical petroleum waste may be found in your cleansers, SPF, and cosmetics. It may include compounds that increase human cancer risk when used in large quantities, as we know from formaldehyde.

11) Chemical Sunscreen

According to a recent study, the levels of six common chemical sunscreen ingredients absorbed into the bloodstream far exceed those deemed safe. After one application, one ingredient, oxybenzone, demonstrated an absorption rate of 188 times the safe level. Absorption increased 500 times above the safe level after four applications. Depending on the chemical sunscreen ingredient, all chemicals remained elevated in the blood for one to 21 days.

It is well known that oxybenzone is an endocrine disruptor with potentially harmful effects on fertility. Furthermore, since it has been connected to birth defects, chemical sunscreen should be avoided during pregnancy.

We advise parents to avoid applying oxybenzone-containing sunscreens to their children. Choose a mineral sunscreen instead, which doesn’t absorb and sits on the skin’s surface. These risk-free sunscreens contain zinc oxide and titanium dioxide as active ingredients.

12) Fragrances

Many of us base our skincare decisions on how something smells, but before sniffing, we should check to see if any synthetic fragrances have been added. Most products contain fragrance compositions that are entirely chemically produced, which have been shown to trigger allergic reactions on the skin as well as headaches, allergies, dizziness, rashes, cough, skin irritation, pigmentation, and hyperactivity.

Unfortunately, there is no regulation requiring a list of all fragrance ingredients, despite manufacturers using thousands of different components in their products.


What makes those confident that they have chosen the healthiest options for themselves the most different from those who feel completely overwhelmed at the thought of yet another ingredient decision?

However, you must understand that knowledge is power. You ought to have self-assurance knowing that you’re caring for your family and yourself on the inside and out.

Categories: Herbarium
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