There are many myths about skincare. Some of these are harmless, and others are completely ridiculous. But all of them inspire the same response from dermatologists—clean skin is a myth! The majority of skincare advice out there is contradictory and misguided. We’ve all been given conflicting recommendations about our moisturizers, exfoliants, serums, oils, and soaps. So when we hear that clean skin is a myth, it can be easy to think that we don’t need to understand why or how this advice applies to our skin. But while clean skin may not seem like something that matters in real life, it’s very important — even if you live in an urban city.
What’s the Problem with Clean Skin?
First, let’s get this misconception out of the way. The general public has a lot of misconceptions about what clean skin means. While some people think that clean skin means no products, that’s not the case. While certain ingredients are technically “clean” because they don’t penetrate the skin, many other ingredients are not considered clean because they can cause acne, blackheads, whiteheads, or other skin breakouts. Other ingredients commonly associated with CLEAN SKIN, such as witch hazel and tea tree oil, can cause blackheads and whiteheads by what they do to the skin. If you have oily skin, you need to use a moisturizer because it keeps your skin hydrated, but that doesn’t mean that it is clean. Anyone with oily skin needs to use a moisturizer and not overthink it.
The Myth of Over- moisturization
Many people under moisturize their skin because they’re trying to look “healthier,” “younger,” or “wetter” without actually understanding the link between hydration and age spots. People often think they need to use a heavier moisturizer as they get older to prevent wrinkles, but a proper moisturizer should provide both hydration and anti-aging properties. Otaci Rose Passion Face Cream is a deep hydrated natural beauty essential. Our cream contains just the right amount of natural rose oil to moisturize and nourish your skin without leaving a greasy residue.
While it’s true that excess oil production is common in aging skin, this doesn’t mean that your skin has to be oily! If you’re not putting enough water into your skin, it will simply sit on top of the rest of your natural hydration levels, causing extra oiliness. While many experts recommend against using a facial steamer because it can dry out your skin, too much steaming can cause the same thing.

The Myth of Dry Skin
Dry skin is also commonly conflated with acne, although acne is a combination of clogging pores and rehydrating the skin. Many acne products also contain alcohol, which can dry the skin even more. While it’s true that the skin needs to be cleansed twice a day, it’s also true that when your skin is clean, it’s less likely to produce excess oiliness. And while it’s true that certain ingredients in acnegenic skin (e.g., Benzoyl Peroxide) can be harmful, it’s also true that other ingredients (e.g., Tea Tree Oil) can be used to cleanse acne. Instead of worrying about your skin being dry or oily, you should look at your overall skin health and try to maintain a balance between oily and dry skin types.
The Myth of UV rays and blackheads
The idea that UV rays from the sun cause blackheads and whiteheads are a myth. While there is some evidence that ultraviolet rays can penetrate the skin’s surface and cause pores to get clogged, this effect is small and short-lived. Even in the presence of oil-producing products in the skin, such as acne medication or a high- SPF sunscreen, UV rays can only penetrate a tiny fraction of the skin’s depth. And lastly, while blackheads and whiteheads may occur when extracting clogged pores with a blackhead extractor, this is a sign that your skin is clean and not over-proliferated. If you have black or whiteheads, try to get them under control using a brush or beauty blemish removal tool instead of scrubbing them out with a scrubber.
The myth of clean skin is perpetuated for a couple of reasons. First, it is easier to understand and communicate if you talk about a myth, not a fact. Second, it is more likely to be accepted by your friends if you tell them you broke the news that clean skin is a myth, not fact. But don’t let these misconceptions stop you from progressing towards healthier skin. Effective skincare treatments can help clean skin and keep it healthy.